Our lessons are totally free, you will pay only for the individual and personalized classes by Zoom or Skype. We have a lot of materials available for you. In the lessons you can see normal situations of the real life with transcription in English as well as audios too.
At finish, you will have the new vocabulary present in the lesson.
We invite you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, frequently we will publish new vocabulary for your process of learning.
Lesson A1.1: Greetings. Personal pronouns. Colors
Lesson A1.2: Introduce yourself. Describing people and things. Personality. Numbers
Lesson A1.3: Explaining the reason for to learn Spanish. What time is it? To be agree or disagree. The alphabet and its pronunciation
Lesson A1.4: Express doubts. Expressing the need to speak slower. Ask about objects to buy, price, quantity. Spelling
Lesson A1.5: Ask for opinions about people, topics, things, places. Express and ask about wishes, likes, satisfaction, feelings and thanks
Lesson A1.6: Determinate and indeterminate articles, common and proper nouns, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns
Lesson A1.7: Interrogative pronouns